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31st Arrival
29 Jan 2025 1:50 pm
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Cannonpointer » 28 Jan 2025, 7:28 pm » wrote: Why in the **** would I care how much money YOU make? You are a disembodied voice on the interwebs, you fruitcake. I'm not even jealous of the wealthy people I am friends with. I made a lot of guys a lot of money in my career, and the only thing I feel about that fact is pride. They're rich; I'm not. And I wouldn't have it any other way. If I had wanted to be rich, and am quite certain that I would be rich. I never cared. Still don't. I tailored my desires to my income and my income to my desires.

Each of the people I helped get rich all kept their word to me, paid me well, and were grateful for my services. We're still friends. One of those guys came and joined me for a couple of weeks in Brazil last summer when I stayed down there for almost two months. It's a long flight. Obviously, he does not hold my penury against me any more than I hold his wealth against him. I was able to afford 7 weeks in Brazil because I was house & pet sitting for ANOTHER wealthy friend who was spending a little over a month in Europe. I had worked WITH him, not for him, so I cannot claim to have helped him get wealthy - but I'm not jealous of him, either. And he's a real person - not an anonymous voice on the internet. WTF is wrong with you, boy?

I find it quite hard to credit your claims. I'm not calling you a liar. I'm just saying that I am not believing OR disbelieving your claims. I have quite a few wealthy friends. I've never heard any of them accuse anyone of being "jealous" of their wealth. It's the kind of bush league, predictable accusation that is typical of wannabes who never got past their reading - or downstream association with - the pabulum of Ayn Rand.

Wealthy people generally make capital gains - not w2 income. And genuinely wealthy people know this.
Wow, hired thug intimidator like Taipan being a mercenary for dictators and democracies protecting human rights to deny life daily and punish anyone resisting rule of law in both dictatorships and democracies defending God and country. the left and right hands of God molding ancestries into typecast people cradle to grave.

I undertand the manifested bigger picture of New World Order..
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